Shake it up!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thing #10

Okay the online image generators are fun and I looked at FD toys, the comic stripe one and then Image chef. If you look under older posts you can see the picture I generated! I liked playing and I can see using this to wow students with but I can't see a lesson at this point for it except to mention it and show what it can do, maybe I am too tired right now! I did earlier play with lolcats generator as I have a pet cat but was disappointed as her picture was to big and didn't look good to me and I couldn't figure out how to adjust size either at the site or with my own computer, didn't check flickr or photoshop might have to play more in the morning. I played some with photo picasso but it froze my computer (its old) soooo...anyhoo that ended that!!! Goodnight everybody and have a pleasant evening.

1 comment:

Ann said...

The FD toys and image generators are a lot of fun and I can see a lot of applications for teaching. Book trading cards that are created by students and left in or near the books so that other potential readers can be enticed? Getting away from the book report/ poster :-)
