Shake it up!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing #22

Ebooks are great for some I know that lots of people enjoy them I personally don't. I think that having a free site is great though and would definitely share this with all. It took way too long to download onto my computer but then again I do not have the best or fastest here at home. I can't see my patron computers handling the download either. I could see this in a classroom setting or as with tumblebooks I could do a presentation to a group of kids. I really didn't think much of the free books site as most asked for donations of so much a year isn't that just like paying for a subscription. I did find a link through the site that really had free books about engineering texts or college type books which would be great for an individual looking for that particular subject so... not a lot I could see for me on this one at this time.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I think one of the things that we as librarians need to share with educators is that listening to books really does help students develop language proficiency. I was reading "the battle of the books" by Jonathan Swift for my bookclub last week. Swift is a tough one and I usually end up reading it out loud. This time though, I downloaded the audio file from Guttenberg and I was able to listen to it while reading it on my Kindle. Technology is grand when it works.
