Shake it up!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing #20

Teachertube what fun. I posted Shake It Up! to my blog as it seemed to fit so well to what we are realizing and learning about right now! You can view my choice at the top of my page. I liked teachertube I found it interesting and informative! I didn't like the fact that I lost another hour of the day but oh well. I think it would be fun to explore this further with some fun reading things to do with kids might have to try one on my own first to see how easy it would be to make time wise. I think also if you found a video that was short and good about library issues it would be great to have students view. Is teachertube available to our district??

1 comment:

Ann said...

Ah the lost hour. Sorry. I can't get that back for you but at least you had fun while you were there :-)