Shake it up!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing #23

Well my brain and fingers are sure glad to be here! Ha ha on the "A fair(y) Use Tale from You Tube it was great and I would love to use that with my 6th graders! Wonder how long it took to put that together? Creative Commons is a neat site that I plan to return to and explore some more. Web 2.0 WOW is what I have to say I have learned so much. The tools and new technology are easy to use and understand. I (this is weird) really liked the tutorials I felt they were simple and to the point , except for the Ebsco2.0 flash movie it was well "yawn" missing something. I loved creating the Avatar and exploring wikis. Teacher tube was a hoot, I went for the funny and creative stuff, I can't wait to get that up and running at school, I enjoyed the creativity of Flickr and most of the sites overall. I liked setting up my blog and reading the others and the feedback, thanks Ann. The textbook (this is also weird) was an interesting and informative read and I wish I could keep it!
What didn't I like, the TIME CONSUMPTION, think I averaged around 4 hours a session at least and the really scary part is I am all enthusiastic about these new tools and I am afraid that I just won't have the time to implement them the way I want to once I get to work, I hated all the registering, user name, password stuff but that is done and I won't have to do it again anyway. and last BRAIN OVERLOAD!
For the new kids on the block I would plan lots of time nothing is fast when exploring all these new tools so plan a large chunk of your day. Get a partner from the class to blog about difficulties, frustrations, and to share the fun stuff, Ann and Katie are great but a partner would just be that lot less lonely! Have a good fast connection!
Ann and Katy thank you so much for the effort that you put in I hope you feel that it was all worth it as I certainly do, it was everything I was hoping for and more.
Last thing, is this site going to stay around? I know that I would love to be able to refer back to it and explore the links again and again.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Hi Judy

Wow, you really powered through this class. Even with 4 hours a lesson (and yes, the time suck is just amazing but we so love the tools :-) you really moved through them.

Everyone has commented on the EBSCO flash movie. I have forwarded the comments to EBSCO and we will see what happens.

The site will stay up as will the Curriculum WIki. One idea that might be interesting: Offer to teach the class to your teachers/staff. Anyone can use the site.
